Deciding Between an Overlap or Interlock Golf Grip
Discovering the world of golf reveals two main grips: the overlapping (known as Vardon grip) and interlocking.
Which you use should primarily come down to preference…

20 Proven Golf Driving Tips: Hit Longer & Straighter Drive
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Proper Golf Stance: 5 Simple Steps to a Perfect Stance (& Better Golf)
Every player regardless of skill level can learn to have a good setup, which is a vital step in learning to play better golf.

The 3 Key Factors to Consistently Hitting Longer Golf Drives
There’s one thing that every golfer wants more of… DISTANCE! Learning how to increase driver distance today.

How To Hit A Draw: A Proven Step-by-Step Formula
Every golfer wants to know how to hit a draw. They look great, they go further, and it’s what the pros do.

How to Fix a Slice: 7 Simple Steps to a Beautiful Ball Flight
Slices sucks. They cause you to lose distance, accuracy, and your temper… yet most golfers don’t know how to fix them.