August Noble

August Noble was first introduced to golf at 7 years old. In 2013 he started seriously working on his game and was able to reduce his handicap from 19 to 3.4 in less than two years. He's been helping other golfers do the same ever since. Current Handicap: 4

Deciding Between an Overlap or Interlock Golf Grip

Deciding Between an Overlap or Interlock Golf Grip

Discovering the world of golf reveals two main grips: the overlapping (known as Vardon grip) and interlocking.
Which you use should primarily come down to preference…

20 Proven Golf Driving Tips: Hit Longer & Straighter Drive

20 Proven Golf Driving Tips: Hit Longer & Straighter Drive

Golf Workout Program is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Proper Golf Stance: 5 Simple Steps to a Perfect Stance (& Better Golf)

Proper Golf Stance: 5 Simple Steps to a Perfect Stance (& Better Golf)

Every player regardless of skill level can learn to have a good setup, which is a vital step in learning to play better golf.

The 3 Key Factors to Consistently Hitting Longer Golf Drives

The 3 Key Factors to Consistently Hitting Longer Golf Drives

There’s one thing that every golfer wants more of… DISTANCE! Learning how to increase driver distance today.

How To Hit A Draw: A Proven Step-by-Step Formula

How To Hit A Draw: A Proven Step-by-Step Formula

Every golfer wants to know how to hit a draw. They look great, they go further, and it’s what the pros do.

How to Fix a Slice: 7 Simple Steps to a Beautiful Ball Flight

How to Fix a Slice: 7 Simple Steps to a Beautiful Ball Flight

Slices sucks. They cause you to lose distance, accuracy, and your temper… yet most golfers don’t know how to fix them.